Saturday, April 23, 2011

2011 Easter Bunny Parade

Just before 1:00 I arrived by the big clock on   the corner of Hwy. 23 & 22...   Kids of all sizes, Moms and Dads and some Grandmas and Grandpas.  All came out to see the Easter Bunny and take a photo or two. Some people had bunny ears and a few wore the Easter attire, all together we set off to stroll through the downtown collecting candy along the way from the local businesses. First stop, in front of B&B where Brandon, one of the residents of Montello Street handed out candy, then at The Silver-Smith's  Wanda handed out candy, Granite Falls had some bunny attire going on as they passed out candy.  A few doors down Tammy at Tambears with her ears on handed out candy to the kids. The final stop on that side was Yahooz where Jeff ran out between making his great burgers to hand out gum to the kids. We crossed over Hwy 23 being careful not to back up traffic too much. Down that side of the street past to The Old Time Barber Shop where Shirley left a basket of candy out for the kids to help themselves. On to the Waterfall we went. Gathering in front of the waterfall there was time to visit with the bunny and have some photos taken. The bunny is not camera shy and will keep it up as long as there are kids looking to talk to him or have a photo taken.  The sun peeked in and out but didn't dampen our day. With a kids head count of 79, this was a great parade. Thank you to all the businesses who join in and to all the people who turn out to participate and make this so much fun.
A special thank you to Jean at the Teapot Quilt Cottage and Garden Center for bringing the bunny to us each year. She has alot of pull with the Bunny himself......and last but not least THANK YOU to the Easter Bunny for visiting Montello again this year! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Montello"s Easter Bunny Parade

for the 4th annual
Easter Bunny Parade

Date    Saturday, April 23rd
Where   On the corner by the clock across from the waterfall
                         the corner of Hwy.23 & Hwy. 22
Time    1:00

Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad,
kids of all ages, join the bunny as he strolls the downtown
So, grab your Easter Bonnet and basket
Come on foot, in strollers or a decorated bike.